‘Venom 2‎’ director Andy Serkis makes animated adaptation of ‘Animal Farm‎’, it tells a dystopian fable


“Venom: Let There Be Carnage‎” director Andy Serkis is working on a new animated adaptation of George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm‎”, produced by his company The Imaginarium, it has been announced.

'Venom 2‎' director Andy Serkis makes animated adaptation of 'Animal Farm‎', it tells a dystopian fable

“Animal Farm‎” is a dystopian novella by British author George Orwell, first published in 1945.

The work tells the story of a group of animals on the farm who successfully carried out a “revolution” to drive out the human owners who had squeezed them out of the farm and establish an equal animal society.

'Venom 2‎' director Andy Serkis makes animated adaptation of 'Animal Farm‎', it tells a dystopian fable

However, the animal leaders, the clever pigs, eventually usurped the fruits of the revolution and became more authoritarian and totalitarian rulers than their human counterparts.

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