The first part of the “Ice Age” series produced by Blue Sky Animation Studio was released in 2002. It has been 20 years since then. In addition to the protagonist group, the little squirrel Scrat as a supporting role also brought a lot of jokes to everyone.
Today, a small group of artists from Blue Sky Animation Studio got together to create the final clip as a farewell video. After 20 years, it finally ate the acorn that it has been dreaming of.
After Disney acquired 21st Century Fox, it shut down Blue Sky Animation Studios.
As a memorial and farewell, a small group of artists worked together to complete the final shot, titled “The End,” and posted it on a YouTube account called Finale, saying “we’ll say goodbye in our own way.”
Our youth is over…
Related Post: “Ice Age: Scrat Tales” Releases Official Trailer, it will be live on April 13.