Olivia Colman starred in “Landscapers” released an official poster


On November 22, Olivia Colman and David Huris starred in the crime limited drama “Landscapers” released the official poster.

On the poster, Olivia Colman put one hand on David Thewlis’s shoulder, and the two hugging each other looked forward, their eyes seemed to be full of stories.

Olivia Colman starred in "Landscapers" released an official poster

“Landscapers” is directed by Will Sharpe and written by Colman’s husband Ed Sinclair.

The story is adapted from a real murder case in the UK. It tells that Susan (Olivia Colman) and Christopher Edwards (David Thewlis) are ostensibly a gentle and ordinary British couple.

In fact, the two jointly killed Susan’s parents and buried them in their backyard, and have been pretending to receive their parents’ pension.

This incident was not revealed until more than 10 years.

It is reported that “Landscapers” has 4 episodes and will be launched on HBO Max on December 6.

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