Ghibli animated film “Whisper of the Heart” will launch a live-action sequel of the same name, and the official release of the special report PV.
The film will tell the story 10 years after the original, Tsukishima Shizuku and Amazawa Seiji, although separated from each other, are still moving towards their dreams.
The story of the live-action version of “Whisper of the Heart” is based on the original story “that time (past)” and the original story “10 years later (now)”.
Related Post: Humbert von Gikkingen in “Whisper of the Heart”.
After growing up, the two protagonists are still moving towards their dreams even though they are separated in Japan and Italy. The final narration is given by Honna Yōko, who voices the heroine Tsukishima Shizuku in the animated film.
The live-action “Whisper of the Heart” movie will be officially released on October 14.